
January 13, 2011

Sick Free Wedding Day

It’s currently flu season, and we all know how terrible it is. It’s even worse to have it the week before/week of the wedding! As a wedding planner, I understand the importance of my health being in tip top shape so I can make sure I’m at the top of my game on the wedding day.  But for the Bride and Groom, it’s even more so.  Some helpful reminders how to keep yourself healthy before you walk down the aisle:

– Drink lots of water

– take vitamins

– try not to party the night before until dawn


– most importantly, DON’T STRESS or do work the night before!!

I can’t emphasize the importance of the last 2 points.  I often have brides calling me after the wedding rehearsal (which is usually the day before the wedding) in a panic that they didn’t finish writing the escort cards or putting together the favors.

First, that’s where your bridal party was supposed to help you, and 2nd, that’s where the planner should help you if they don’t.

Your sleep and health already undergoes a lot of pressure on the event day, so don’t add more to it.

With that said, take that extra Vitamin C with a nice cup of Chamomile Tea and hit the sack dreaming of your happy day.

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